Stop lettering

Stop lettering I’ve already told you about all my lovely new pipes, and how my console once again looks (almost) as it did 109 years ago But I’ve not said anything about any new stop-heads on the console, so what has happened? Back in 1911, Mr William had to leave out many important pipes. For 109 years I’ve been incomplete. But he did leave stumps in the right place on my console jambs for the missing stop heads when added at a later date, but I have to say this did look a bit ugly Mr William’s foresight has helped Mr Gary and his men, for the stumps have become new shanks, with new stop heads telling my organists what to expect when they are pulled out But the questions they had to answer were these. What style of lettering should be used on my new stop heads? Should my more faded 1911 stop heads be re-engraved? Should Mr William’s spelling of my stops remain, or become more modern The...