New platform.

 Dear friends


I’m sorry to have been so vague in my recent message to you.  But this old lady is now right up to speed, and very excited………………………………..


I have grown a new platform  -  Mr Gary and that nice Mr Stephen call it a mezzanine  - and it has two floors


Somehow Mr Gary has managed to lift up my basement air systems and put them higher up on the first floor level of the mezzanine.  Now it would be in poor taste for me to describe my wind systems in too much detail, but I can say that my double rises were more than a little leaky, and rather taking up too much room near the old stone floor.  So these are now high in the air and out of the way, and very smart they are too with new white leather hinges to make sure everything is working properly


The second floor of this lovely new platform is going to be home for some new pipes, which I will tell you about soon


But why am I so excited?  Surely my friends that’s not because my wind is working properly.  No, its because I will soon be switched on again.  I’ve been out of action since Mothering Sunday last year  -  and asleep for much of that time  -  and my keys are now almost ready to be switched back on


And that is such an exciting prospect



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