A new little friend

A new little friend

While I was asleep, a new friend arrived in my Abbey


This new friend is much smaller than me  -  she has just 240 pipes, and of course I will soon have 10 times as many.  Unlike me, she has no pedals and no double risers, just a single short trunk


Her name is Boxie, she is about 30 years young, and was made appropriately by Mr Church


She does look a bit like a crate, with a flat top and doors that open when she is playing, so that all her lovely pipes can be seen.  Some pipes are wood, but more are made of metal


Boxie makes such a sweet sound  -  very bright and chirpy  -  and her sounds carry so well in my lovely Abbey.  I also have to admit she is very good at playing music from olden times  -  tudor, renaissance and plainsong  -  but even when she grows up, she will never be able to play any of Sir Edward’s lovely music, nor any of that modern French music my organist friends like so much 


I also have to admit I’m slightly envious  -  of her young, chirpy sounds and also because she can be wheeled to any point in my Abbey (where there’s an electric socket of course) so can see different views;  I only have the one view, across to where the south transept should be


I’m hoping Mr Peter will be able to keep Boxie here in the Abbey, just for the music for which she’s so good, and she can give me some company on those long dark winter nights 


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