


Not teeth


But live insects living in my nether regions and munching happily away.  Probably they have been here since 1958, the last time anyone did a complete clean


Everyone suspected there would be woodworm in my timbers.  But more than expected of these munchers have been found


They have been in the timber frame behind Mr Peter’s hymn book store


They have been found in the wood platform under the organ bench


They are in the end of one of my massive reservoirs


They are in some of the panels of Sir Charles’ 1937 case


They had munched so much into the chest under some massive diapason pipes that a section is going to have to be remade  -  the screw holes had literally been munched away


They have even had a go at munching into one of my large open wood pipes


Fortunately all that has been discovered by wonderful Mr Gary, and just in time too for otherwise the munchers could have caused havoc.  Mr Gary has removed the worst affected of the panels and another gentleman came in mask and gown and sprayed something all round everything


Now that I am lovely and clean, and now that it is going to be so much easier to explore all my nooks and crannies, hopefully any more munchers will quickly be found and dealt with.  And I hope no-one is going to use newspaper as padding again  -  some of the worst areas had been padded out with 1950s newspaper, as a quick way to deal with vibration, but which has also encouraged munchers to continue their work undisturbed


No, I am no longer a food source for anyone anymore  



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