
Gaunt? As you know dear friends, for the last few weeks I have been covered in poles and boards. This isn’t a new trend in organ design (although I know there are a lot of newfangled ideas around, but nice Mr Gary is going to keep all those modern ideas at bay) but was to give Mr Gary’s henchpeople access to the very highest of all my lovely features And to the surprise of many people, one of the new views has been of a hideaway, high up beyond my lovely large open wood pipes. Known only to me and to my organ playing friends, this spot has been an ideal place for passing away long sermons and avoiding some of the excesses of French choral music These high boards (not for diving) have given access to much of the high level stonework and to ledges and crevices in this ancient building. Henry has been very busy cleaning wherever he could Mr Gary and Mr Simon have been so busy polishing up my case, and cleaning my bonnet box, ...