We've just had a massive storm. I'm told it was called Ciara, though I've no idea why that lovely name should be given to such stormy weather
Well the wind swirled around my Abbey, and the rain lashed down. Then there was the most tremendous bang, right in the middle of Morning Prayer, and some of my friends discovered lots of tiles had slid down the roof. I haven't seen this for myself, obviously, but did hear the crash and certainly heard all the discussion that followed
Storm Ciara was massive, but over my 108 years, I've seen others, although maybe not so windy. In 1947 the nearby River Severn rose so high that a rowing boat came up the central aisle to make sure I was still alright. Then, in 1960 the roads outside were completely flooded as they were again in 1998. Pictures in the Abbey show all of this!
Later, during wonderful choral evensong, I got the blame for an A flat whistle. Mr Steve thought I had developed a cypher. Now I have had occasional cyphers in the past, but not this time. The A flat whistle was the sound of the wind blowing around the Abbey, not one of my sliders getting stuck.
The wind then subsided, and the whistle stopped. But until Mr Gary renovates all my chests and motors, there is still a chance of my having a cypher as after 108 years of fantastic service, I am prone to squeaks and leaks!
Soon the roof will be safe Hillie. Fear not the insurance will see to that!