New boards

New boards

From my lofty perch, I can see 2 new display boards down below

These boards, people tell me (I can’t actually see what’s on them!) have pictures of me, in all my unfinished, dirty glory, and information about my history and the work that’s planned to start after Easter

These boards are also (so I’m told) so colourful that a casual visitor to the Abbey cannot fail to see them.  Some of the writing might be a little on the small side, but if that encourages visitors to get all close and personal, then that’s all good.

Why is all this important?

Well I am of course a very modest old lady, so it is good for someone else to extol my many virtues, and explain how much improved I will be after all the work is completed. 

But there is also talk of money - the modern kind, not my favourite pounds shillings and pence.  Bearing in mind I only cost £1,100, isn’t it amazing that over £125,000 has now been raised towards the cost of my renovation and completion?  It’s also amazing that that isn’t enough, and that another £65,000 still needs to be found.  I really can’t get my swell box around these figures

But there it is.  Mr Steve’s wonderful, colourful new boards tell the whole story, show my best and worst views, and encourage everyone to keep on with the money raising.


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