Brick day

Brick day

Now what is Hillie on about I hear you say

Well the other day we had a whole hoast of young people here, with piles of bricks (the multi-coloured ones with lots of knobbles), building models of me

And there was a brick building expert, Dr Ashley, who was helping things along, but also used some tubes and a sound making machine to demonstrate how the physics of my pipes works.  This was fascinating, but I have to say that his plastic tubes didn’t convince me that his pipes would ever sound better than mine, and certainly would not be up to filling my missing spaces

The young people played on with their knobbly bricks, and built some convincing models - probably more like castles and cars than an organ console - before deciding they’d like to play the real thing.  So we had young feet on my pedals, levers pressed, my buttons pushed, discordant sounds from my keys (I thought more musical than some of that French music my friends here delight in trying to play) and lovely to see these young people beginning to appreciate my talent

I hear that in a nearby cathedral church (Chester) they sell kits to make brick models of their organ.  Now there’s an idea for fund raising here, and young people would be able to build me in their houses, and spread my fame far and wide


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