I have fund raising ideas too
I have fund raising ideas too
News reaches me that folk are doing all sorts of things to
raise money for Mr Gary’s work next year.
There’s talk of singing hymns and psalms. There are concerts every Wednesday by lots of
different talented people. And I even
here of someone trying to cycle the length of the country, between two places
I’ve never heard of; how daft is that!
Well, I have my own suggestions for fund raising challenges
How about:
1 penny a go (Ed. Hillie hasn’t quite got the hang of post
decimalisation money, and still thinks in pounds shillings and of course pence)
and guess how many pipes I’ve got
Another 1 penny a go, and guess how many pneumatic motors
there are in my innards
Or, another 1 penny a go, how many little lead tubes do I
Or, another 1 penny a go, let’s see who can pump the most
air into my reservoirs (Ed. Hillie forgets the hand pump was dismantled in
Or, lets have a sponsored dust clean (Ed. not sure about
that, as there’s so much dirt and dust after 60 years build up that there may
be a health risk here)
Or, who can run up the steep ladder the quickest (Ed.
definitely not on!)
So if only the lovely people raising money would talk to me,
I could give them lots of ideas about how to raise money - I’ve
been here for nearly 108 years, so I’ve seen it all!

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