Is something planned for me?
Is something planned for me?
Rumour has reached me that plans are afoot.
It might be that all that accumulated dirt will be removed,
my lovely pipes cleaned, solonoids brought in to replace some of the yards (not
metres!) of lead tubes, and the whole console brought back to how it looked
when Mr William made me
There’s even talk of the space at the front of my top
(swell) box being filled with trumpety stops from a cousin organ that’s no
longer needed
This is sooooo exciting and I can’t wait for it to happen.
It will make such a difference to the sound I produce and will make me much
more reliable
But I’m also told that this will cost many pounds, and the
piggy bank hasn’t yet got enough money to cover it all, although we do already
have a lot of money stored away
I remember something similar in 1911. When I was installed, there wasn’t enough
money to complete Mr William’s scheme, and even now I am still waiting for some
of my most important pipes as I’ve already told you
So my fingers, keys and motors are firmly crossed and I
really do hope that after so many years, I can become the even more wonderful
organ Mr William intended
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