I'm so excited!!

I'm so excited!!

I have been telling you my story and telling you about all my problems

And then there were rumours that there might at long last be some work planned for my insides. It now seems that those rumours were right

That nice Mr Gary is going to restore me!!  And it's going to happen next year, starting just after Easter. 

He's going to give all my lovely pipes a good-old clean. He's going to take out all those dusty, squiggly tubes and put in electric switches. He's going to repel the invading wood boring insects that keep working their way into my frame. My keyboards will be made as good as new.  Mr Gary is even hoping to fill that gap in my shuttery box with proper trumpety pipes that will fill this great building with lovely sound

Yes, he's going to help me to work properly so that everyone will realise just what clever Mr William intended me to do

I'm now a grand old lady. When this work starts I will be 108 years old and this will give me a new spring in my chorus. I can't wait for it to happen!!


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