Mr Gary comes to play

Mr Gary comes to play

Three times a year that nice Mr Gary  comes to tune my pipes, some of which do tend to go out of tune and start to sound very French

In his recent (pre-Easter) visit , Mr Gary discovered new problems

First, there was a new whooshing sound from the insides when he switched on those new-fangled electric blowers.  He also realised that the lower half of notes on my smooth Double Open Diapason weren’t working.  All this was because of new leaks on one of my two main reservoirs  -  caused I was told by dry air and age (really?). Some new leather strips and extra weight on the top of the reservoir sorted all of that out, for now

Then there were half a dozen top notes on my upper (swell) manual which were either not working at all, or making a very half-hearted attempt.  Mr Gary had to remove small pneumatic motors, apply more new leather and then stick them back in

And then there was bottom D on the lowest of the three manuals (choir) sticking “on” occasionally.  More motor repairs

Well with all that commotion it was mid-afternoon before Mr Gary could start to do the promised pre-Easter tuning.  After all, he can’t tune notes that don’t work!!  So instead of a whole day working with my lovely pipes, he spent just a couple of hours with them and the rest of the day sorting out problems  -  mind, he’s very good at all of that!

Swell motors needing patching

Swell motors needing patching

Main reservoir also needing a patch

Main reservoir also needing a patch

Glue all that's needed

No Bic biro on this wind control cord


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