My Summer
My Summer I know you are wondering when I would be adding to my famous personal blog Well here I am again. I’ve been enjoying my summer, thinking ahead to everything that’s going to happen over the next year and, yes, planning what to say next to you my dear followers And over the next year, a lot is planned to happen, as you will see as I add more stories to my blog But the most important message of all is that money is flowing in to my renovation fund. My friends are working very hard on this, but still more is needed. The work Mr Gary is doing next year is nearly funded, but then we are going to have to raise more if those extra missing pipes are finally to be added - into what Mr William in 1911 described as “space” but which no-one has yet been able to fill So, dear friends, please keep spreading the message about how important this work is to me and my beautiful historic building. When I am finally completed, and working properly, ...